Sunday, April 02, 2006

What you talkin' bout Willis?

Guess who got her the bib???

I suck at this...

I managed to avoid the blog for a whole freakin' month. How? Why? I am on the computer about 73.2% of the why haven't I posted? Answer: Lazy and life is boring. Actually not too boring as of late. There were ventures to NOLA and good ol' Lake Chuck to visit the fam and the Jess. Babies were seen, things got pierced, and thankfully baby fingers stayed away from said piercings. Unfortunately, when I returned home, Kermit thought he would help the healing process along by giving the new earring a nice long, liquidy, lick. Lee reassured me that dog saliva has healing properties. Perhaps, I agreed...if only he hadn't licked his ass 30 seconds earlier. No massive infection yet, so who knows... Since I've been such a bad blogger this month, here's a quick recap of my life as of late:

Things I Learned in March 2006:
1) Scotch is bad.
2) Any drink involving the words Irish Car Bomb cannot be good for you.
3) Piercing doesn't hurt as much as I thought. Wonder what I can do next...Suggestions?
4) My niece is the cutest kid on Earth
5) It is still possible to freeze your ass off in NC during the month of March. Snow in March? WTF?
6) After visiting New Orleans, it reconfirms the fact that the food sucks here. Bad.
7) Residency sucks. At least so far...
8) Taxes suck. Period. The end.

Here's proof I don't have a black thumb!!
Here's to hoping I make it back to the blog before May!

Peace Out!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Happy Mardi Gras!!!

Okay, so let's forget that I've gone a whole month without posting on this thing. Honestly, I haven't had anything to interesting to write about. Same old, same old here. Work, sleep, work get the picture. In the cases of Regg and Kerm, it's more like sleep, sleep, sleep some more, poop, chase squirrel, sleep a little more, eat, and finally...sleep. be a pampered pooch.

We finally got our first snow up in the NC a couple of weeks ago. The weather people around here are NEVER right. Usually not even close. The day it snowed, we were only supposed to get flurries. The day it was supposed to snow heavily, we got flurries. I think they just roll some sort of weather dice to decide.'s a pic of our cozy little winterfied crib.

The doggers were sooo...not diggin' the snow. Reggie, cold, wet...those 3 words do not mix. Even Kerm the outdoor dog hesitated a little before bulldozing his face through the snow. Besides a few isolated snow showers, the winter has been pretty mild. Good news for us Louisiana folks. I don't think we would have made a good transition into a harsh winter first go 'round.

Speaking of Louisiana, Happy Mardi Gras!!! What I wouldn't give to be down south today. No work, plenty of good food, strong drinks, and family. North Carolina should totally adopt this holiday. Plain and simple. I didn't see any signs of the purple, green, and gold today. Kinda made me sad. Hell, I actually wore orange. Instead of having red beans or boudin, I had sushi. Dear Lord, I'm becoming a Yankee. Go ahead, call me a traitor.

Well, there are dishes to wash, clothes to be folded, sleep to be had. I promise I'll try harder to update more frequently from here on out (Okay, Rhiannon?). Speaking of Rhi, just want to give a shout out to student doctor Rhiannon Hull and my childhood chum Lindy Winkler, both of whom just turned 25 within the last couple of days. Now you're as old as me! Hopefully you're not having the gray hair problem yet...

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Crock Pot Baby

Is this not the cutest baby you have ever seen???

My niece, Abigail

Gray hair and bluegrass

So, it's the end of January and I have already started slacking on the resolutions. Lack of blogging, lack of jogging, and so on and so forth. In my own defense, I can say it's not because of laziness...okay, so not ALL because of laziness...just partly. I've actually been very busy with work lately. The rat surgeries seem to be going well this week...let's just hope the one I did on Friday survives the weekend. I was so pissed on Tuesday. I spent 3 hours working on this one rat, only to have him die after I put him back in the cage. I even tried to revive him with mouth-to-snout resuscitation (through a tube, of course), all to no avail. Stupid rat.

On another sour note...this week I discovered that I am going gray at the tender age of 25. How depressing is that? Stupid genes. It's not fair that Lee has the more stressful job and still has a head full of solid brown hair (although not as much as he used to...). At least I still have hair, though. No need to become unbe-weave-able just yet.

Finally, on to the brighter side of life. The highlight of the past couple of weeks had to be one of the belated Christmas presents from my husband. In all truthfulness, it was a present from him in the sense that he gave me permission to buy the tickets. Who am I to complain??? Anyway, back to the point. We drove down to Charlotte back on the 18th to see my favorite band in the world, Alison Krauss & Union Station. They were so freakin' awesome!!! I know I sound like a dorky groupie, but don't knock 'em till you give 'em a try. Best musicians in the world as far as I'm concerned. As for the supposed "Cajun" restaurant we ate pre-concert, that is a completely different story. It should be a crime for people to use the term "cajun" and serve such crappy food. The gumbo tasted like veggie soup and I got tipsy just from inhaling the fumes coming off the sorry excuse for bread pudding. From this point on, I vow to never try Louisiana-style food outside of Louisiana (unless I make it my damn self!). Stupid restaurant. Yuck.

Well, I'm off to bed. Lee and I are actually participating in a cook-off tomorrow with some of the peeps he works with at the hospital. Let's just say they have no chance in hell against what we have cooked up. Muhahahahahahahaaaaa!


P.S. If you are interested in becoming an Alison Krauss freak like me, check out her website:

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Happy Ending to a Crappy Christmas

Okay, so I know I'm going backwards talking about Christmas after talking about New Years, but what the hell. It's my blog...I'll do what I want. I don't think there is a soul on Earth that doesn't know how much I hated Christmas this year. Bah Humbug!!!

Let me refresh your memory if by some miracle you have forgotten... Not only were we separated from our families for the first Christmas EVER, Lee and I were separated from each other because the hospital doesn't close for Christmas. I don't see why not...
I did not see my husband all Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day. I'll tell you what, there is nothing more depressing than watching 24 hours of Ralphie and his Red Rider BB gun while drinking a beer and eating pizza alone on Christmas Eve. I can't say I was completely alone--I had my very own Bumpus hounds to keep me company (and steal my pizza). It was a harsh holiday, but alas, we both survived. Which was a good thing, seeing as we got take an awesome trip to Washington, D.C. the Wednesday after Christmas.

My good friend Jessica just so happened to be visiting her dad in DC, so we decided to abduct her and use her for tour guide purposes. It's a good thing, too, as I was completely unaware of such things as proper subway ettiquette, not to mention the whole enigma that is the Metro system. I think this was God's way of telling me that I was not meant for life in the big city. Anway, I digress...

We did the touristy stuff...the Smithsonian museums, the Supreme Court, the Washington Monument, the Library of Congress, and the Capitol.
So, as we're walking up the Capitol building, the following conversation ensues:

Lee: It got cold out here.
Jess: Yeah...(bundling up and putting on gloves)
Christy: (wiping off the sweat off brow and removing jacket) Huh?
Lee: Man, this building sure is on a big hill.
Christy & Jess: :::Stupid Look:::
Christy: Hence the name "Capitol Hill".

Sorry, it's not often I get to be smarter than him. I rub it in when I can. Maybe it's not that I'm's more like I'm a smart-ass.

Long story short... We had a great time. Sights were seen. Fondue was eaten. Drinks were drank. Fondue almost caused severe burns [Jessica!]. Good times were had.


P.S. Check out my website for more pics! (Wait till the weekend, though. I haven't posted them yet, and I am too damn lazy to do it tonight!)

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Making Resolutions

Every January, along with millions of other folks, I make the dreaded New Year's resolution. But why? About 99% (just a guess-timate) of people who make these "resolutions" end up giving up by the end of the month...myself included. Every year I swear to the same thing--I must lose weight. Some crazy diet gets initiated, I get in a very bad mood due to lack of variety (a person can only eat so much meat and veggies. I need starch!), and thus the resolution has ended. You gotta look on the bright side, though...there's always next year!

That being said, here are this year's resolutions (let's see how long they last):

1)The ever-popular, "I'm going to lose weight," which coincides with the whole "eat less, move more" mantra. On the optimistic side of things (don't get used to it!), I've actually started off pretty well in this area. I started walking/jogging (more walking than jogging, of course) at a local track every other day, weather permitting. Now the catch is the "eat less" part, which you wouldn't think would be that hard considering the food sucks around here. What can I say...I'm a damn good cook.

2)Start a blog. Do something productive outside of work. A hobby of sorts. So here it is. A glimpse into my strange, twisted, little head.

Alright, enough sarcasm and pessimistic ramblings for one day. I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's, and good luck with the matter what they are!

I know it's a little late, but here are my Christmas puppies! You have no
idea what it took to get these pics! Enjoy!
