Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Happy Ending to a Crappy Christmas

Okay, so I know I'm going backwards talking about Christmas after talking about New Years, but what the hell. It's my blog...I'll do what I want. I don't think there is a soul on Earth that doesn't know how much I hated Christmas this year. Bah Humbug!!!

Let me refresh your memory if by some miracle you have forgotten... Not only were we separated from our families for the first Christmas EVER, Lee and I were separated from each other because the hospital doesn't close for Christmas. I don't see why not...
I did not see my husband all Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day. I'll tell you what, there is nothing more depressing than watching 24 hours of Ralphie and his Red Rider BB gun while drinking a beer and eating pizza alone on Christmas Eve. I can't say I was completely alone--I had my very own Bumpus hounds to keep me company (and steal my pizza). It was a harsh holiday, but alas, we both survived. Which was a good thing, seeing as we got take an awesome trip to Washington, D.C. the Wednesday after Christmas.

My good friend Jessica just so happened to be visiting her dad in DC, so we decided to abduct her and use her for tour guide purposes. It's a good thing, too, as I was completely unaware of such things as proper subway ettiquette, not to mention the whole enigma that is the Metro system. I think this was God's way of telling me that I was not meant for life in the big city. Anway, I digress...

We did the touristy stuff...the Smithsonian museums, the Supreme Court, the Washington Monument, the Library of Congress, and the Capitol.
So, as we're walking up the Capitol building, the following conversation ensues:

Lee: It got cold out here.
Jess: Yeah...(bundling up and putting on gloves)
Christy: (wiping off the sweat off brow and removing jacket) Huh?
Lee: Man, this building sure is on a big hill.
Christy & Jess: :::Stupid Look:::
Christy: Hence the name "Capitol Hill".

Sorry, it's not often I get to be smarter than him. I rub it in when I can. Maybe it's not that I'm's more like I'm a smart-ass.

Long story short... We had a great time. Sights were seen. Fondue was eaten. Drinks were drank. Fondue almost caused severe burns [Jessica!]. Good times were had.


P.S. Check out my website for more pics! (Wait till the weekend, though. I haven't posted them yet, and I am too damn lazy to do it tonight!)

1 comment:

Rhiannon said...

Where are the posts? I need posting on your blog! ;)