Sunday, January 08, 2006

Making Resolutions

Every January, along with millions of other folks, I make the dreaded New Year's resolution. But why? About 99% (just a guess-timate) of people who make these "resolutions" end up giving up by the end of the month...myself included. Every year I swear to the same thing--I must lose weight. Some crazy diet gets initiated, I get in a very bad mood due to lack of variety (a person can only eat so much meat and veggies. I need starch!), and thus the resolution has ended. You gotta look on the bright side, though...there's always next year!

That being said, here are this year's resolutions (let's see how long they last):

1)The ever-popular, "I'm going to lose weight," which coincides with the whole "eat less, move more" mantra. On the optimistic side of things (don't get used to it!), I've actually started off pretty well in this area. I started walking/jogging (more walking than jogging, of course) at a local track every other day, weather permitting. Now the catch is the "eat less" part, which you wouldn't think would be that hard considering the food sucks around here. What can I say...I'm a damn good cook.

2)Start a blog. Do something productive outside of work. A hobby of sorts. So here it is. A glimpse into my strange, twisted, little head.

Alright, enough sarcasm and pessimistic ramblings for one day. I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's, and good luck with the matter what they are!

I know it's a little late, but here are my Christmas puppies! You have no
idea what it took to get these pics! Enjoy!


1 comment:

Rhiannon said...

Hooray, I'm excited about your blog!! I promise to check up on you and see how things are going at least every week. Kudos on the resolutions - at least you made them. I gave up on them a long time ago seeing as how I never kept them anyway. Keep posting!