So, it's been quite a while since I've done this...if my computer can be believed, the last time I posted was May 2006. Where the hell did all the time go? I'll tell you where...a little baby sucked it all away into his little lungs. I still can't believe I'm the mother of a six month old. I have been very humbled in these past months, having all kinds of projectile fluids spewed upon me...having to clean places that no baby should be able to get dirty...and existing on a maximum of about 5 hours a night of sleep. Good times...and for once, that phrase is not laced with sarcasm. All mush aside, I've decided to start blogging again. There are so many funny & exciting things that I would love to share with everyone, but by the time I actually find the time to call and tell ya'll about them............I forget. So here it is, my vow as a new mom. I will blog. The end. Well, not the end, I hope.
Sawyer the Cheeseball