We finally got our first snow up in the NC a couple of weeks ago. The weather people around here are NEVER right. Usually not even close. The day it snowed, we were only supposed to get flurries. The day it was supposed to snow heavily, we got flurries. I think they just roll some sort of weather dice to decide. Anyway...here's a pic of our cozy little winterfied crib.
The doggers were sooo...not diggin' the snow. Reggie, cold, wet...those 3 words do not mix. Even Kerm the outdoor dog hesitated a little before bulldozing his face through the snow. Besides a few isolated snow showers, the winter has been pretty mild. Good news for us Louisiana folks. I don't think we would have made a good transition into a harsh winter first go 'round.
Speaking of Louisiana, Happy Mardi Gras!!! What I wouldn't give to be down south today. No work, plenty of good food, strong drinks, and family. North Carolina should totally adopt this holiday. Plain and simple. I didn't see any signs of the purple, green, and gold today. Kinda made me sad. Hell, I actually wore orange. Instead of having red beans or boudin, I had sushi. Dear Lord, I'm becoming a Yankee. Go ahead, call me a traitor.
Well, there are dishes to wash, clothes to be folded, sleep to be had. I promise I'll try harder to update more frequently from here on out (Okay, Rhiannon?). Speaking of Rhi, just want to give a shout out to student doctor Rhiannon Hull and my childhood chum Lindy Winkler, both of whom just turned 25 within the last couple of days. Now you're as old as me! Hopefully you're not having the gray hair problem yet...